Gifts for Filmmakers (#27)

Gifts for Filmmakers (#27)

With the holidays around the corner you might be wondering what kind of gift to give to a filmmaker. In today's episode, Konstantin Starodetskii and Rumena Dinevska share their curated list of gifts for directors, cinematographers and film lovers.If you need ideas, this episode is a great place to start.The Gift List:Artemis…
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Why Do We Make Films? (#24)

Why Do We Make Films? (#24)

Films have been around for decades. From Lumière brothers' first moving pictures to today's blockbusters, they are a big part of our daily lives. In today’s episode, Konstantin Starodetskii and Rumena Dinevska discuss their love for cinema, reasons to make a film and why films have a big impact on…
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Directing Actors (#10)

Directing Actors (#10)

In today’s episode, Konstantin Starodetskii and Rumena Dinevska will discuss the importance of directing actors, as well as share useful tips on how to approach it. Acting is what makes or breaks your movie, so it's important to make it a number one priority for your next film. Tune in…
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Film and Relationship (#9)

Film and Relationship (#9)

In today’s episode, Konstantin Starodetskii and Rumena Dinevska will share ways they manage their relationship when working on a film or any other creative project. Making a film with your partner should be fun and fruitful. If it is not, or if you want to find ways to make it…
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